Don’t Fear the Competition

Competition can be like eating your veggies as a youngster – it feels awful, but it actually helps you grow big and strong. The first step is to know the players in your market and analyze the way they communicate to their audience.

Don't fall into the mental trap that competition is something to be afraid of. Learning who is like you and what makes you different from them will make you a better communicator to your audience. If you don't know where to start, or you're not sure what to do from here, we have a Competitive Analysis Workbook to help you!

If you're not ready to commit to the workbook, consider how your business compares to the variables that impact it. What are the things that are liabilities to your business? What helps make you stronger? Consider these things in relation to your competition and use them to make your business stronger.


Refusing to be held back


Managing your time