Impact ≠ infinity
As we’ve had conversations with business owners, it’s often come up that there’s a pressure to create something that will last forever. That doesn’t have to be true.
Your impact is not limited by your business's lifespan. Success doesn’t mean you run something for the rest of your life. You can create something that helps solve a problem for a season. If it impacts one person, isn’t it still a worthwhile endeavor?
Our hope is that you create something that is meaningful and helpful as you help to share a big idea or solve problems that people encounter on a regular basis. Whatever prompted you to start your business or to share your big idea, you can keep it up for as long as you want! For some, that will be a short season and for others, it will span generations.
Regardless of how long you’re sharing your big idea with others, you can make the biggest impact by being intentional about your time and influence.
How can you make the most of your impact today? This week? This year?